“Tidy Up”
“Your room looks like a pigsty. Get in there and clean it up!” As I stood in the midst of my own adult chaotic mess, I couldn’t help but hear […]
There was so much more to my second grade year than just reading, writing and arithmetic. Back in the seventies, we non-parochial students who were Catholic had the option to […]
“I have to tell you something.” Back in the day, hearing these words would’ve sent my mind into overdrive. I’d break into full-on gypsy mode, gazing desperately into the crystal […]
I can’t help it. I’ve got mindfulness on the brain. It’s been that way since I took the plunge a few weeks ago with my first speaking gig for Nurse’s […]
“See a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck.” Who can resist the famous penny quote from the movie Grease? That line has basically been part […]
It happened to be one of “those” days. I could’ve sworn I had the whole grief thing under control. After all, it had been four years since Mom and Dad […]
"Good night. Don't let the bedbugs bite." The dim light of Mom’s hospital room couldn't hide our smiles as we recognized one of her many popular bedtime catchphrases. But tears quickly welled up behind my grin. I desperately racked my brain for something lighthearted to say -- the only distraction standing between myself and a complete, emotional breakdown.
The sweet heavenly aroma of Mom’s delicious chocolate chip cookies often permeated the walls of my childhood home. Whenever lucky enough to be home while Mom was baking, I’d hover […]
One look at that candy dish was all it took – – flashback! “Come with me to the store. I’ve got to pick up some more candy before tomorrow.” Another […]